
Stanford Circular Economy Symposium

2019.12.08 | Stanford Korea Center & Zoom

On December 8, 2021, students and faculty from Yonsei University attended the inaugural Circular Economy Symposium, with the theme "Closing the Loop through Sustainable Material, Technology, and Business," at the Stanford Center at the Incheon Global Center (SCIGC) office.

Sustainability experts, specialists, academics, and entrepreneurs were invited to speak on the circular economy, renewable materials, sustainable packaging and merchandising, upcycled fashion, and sustainable mobility design. Each presentation was followed by an open Q&A session with questions from the on-site audience and those attending via Zoom.

Speakers for the Stanford Circular Economy Symposium 2021

This event provided a learning opportunity and a welcoming space for people with similar interests to connect, discuss, and explore potential business and academic collaborations.

The Circular Economy Symposium was designed to be a recurring event covering various sustainability and circular economy topics.